It is very important to clarify that not all resources are created equal. If you are looking to find a job after college, you need a multi-tiered approach. This should not only include collecting as much information as you can, but also understanding how your competition behaves. The truth of the matter is that no matter how qualified you are, entering yourself into highly competitive venues will likely result in your becoming buried in a pile of resumes. For this reason, it is important to choose the resources you use wisely.
So what does this all mean? It means that resources that are easy to use and even easier to find will not benefit you. If, for instance, you decide to only use the major online job sites to apply for your positions of choice, you will almost certainly be in major competition with tens, if not hundreds or thousands of other applicants. The following chart shows the percent of internet users who visit three of the largest job sites:
This chart shows that Indeed, CareerBuilder, and Monster are all attracting around one in three hundred internet users every day. That is millions of people to compete with every day by using these sites. Consider further that the typical recent college graduate is highly motivated to find a job after college, tech savvy, and likely has similar qualifications to you, and you will see where these numbers are problematic.
So what are your options for finding a job instead of using these sites? Monster, CareerBuilder, and Indeed are certainly the easiest resources to find. My first suggestion is to visit your career resource center if your college offers one. Oftentimes, your college will have a dedicated place where you can go for jobs posted specifically for students like you. Additionally, they may be able to give you information on how to contact recruiters, or what other students have found helpful. Additionally, I would suggest talking to anyone and everyone you can face to face about your job search. You would be surprised how many people have "an uncle in the biz" and may be able to forward your resume. Finally, if all else fails, apply to your favorite companies sites directly. This at least eliminates the middle man and often will reveal openings that are not as well advertised.
Essentially, finding a job after college will require you to choose your resources wisely. Don't be so sure of your qualifications that you forget to consider your competition. It is very important to your college job search that you find jobs online that you can apply for and be assured that your resume will actually be viewed.
Let me know about your favorite resources and strategies in the comments.
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